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Systemic Design expertise is rising as relevant on Policy Design fostering better governance towards Circular Economy. On that journey, a current coordinated work between universities, local authorities, associations and public administration where the Systemic Design is anticipating the future economy actions through policy design is RETRACE Interreg Europe project. The aim of this project is to drive regional policies towards a Circular Economy applying the Systemic Design approach developed by the research group of the Department of Architecture and Design at Politecnico di Torino. This paper describes the role of Systemic Design on the future challenges on Regional Governance towards a Circular Economy through the outcomes of the RETRACE and discusses the opportunities and wicked problems of this expertise on policymaking. Becoming a milestone on the way to a deeper awareness of the impact the implementation of Systemic Design on Policy Design processes in Europe.

Authors: Carolina Giraldo Nohra, Silvia Barbero

Published in Presentations